

bc365游戏 offers a variety of institutional scholarships 协助学业成绩优异的学生. 为奖学金考虑,进入 freshmen must submit an admissions application, test scores, (ACT superscore, SAT, Accuplacer),以及一份正式的高中成绩单.

  • 学生 will only be 奖ed the scholarship with the highest eligible value.
  • The July ACT test is the last score report that will be accepted for scholarship purposes.
  • No scholarships will be renewed if a student falls below a 2.每学期平均绩点都是00.
  • Institutional scholarships may not be combined and are non-refundable.
  • 有关奖学金的详细信息,请参阅 学术奖学金政策.



  • $6,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 州外学费免收.
  • 要求30 ACT超级分数和2分.5 .高中GPA.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $4,500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 州外学费免收.
  • 要求27-29 ACT超级分和2分.5 .高中GPA.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 州外学费免收.
  • 要求24-26 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 州外学费免收.
  • 要求ACT总分21分,2分.5份高中平均绩点和毕业生代表资格证明 (高中最终成绩单).
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $1500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 要求19-23 ACT超级分数和2.5 .高中GPA.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $1,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.0-3.高中GPA 49.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $1,500 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.5-3.高中GPA 74.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $2,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和3.75-3.高中GPA 99.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

  • $3,000 奖 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters of continuous enrollment.
  • 要求16-23 ACT超级分数和4.高中平均绩点.
  • 更新标准: First-time freshmen must complete at least 12 hours the first semester 第二学期15小时. 大一之后,必须至少学习15个小时 每学期完成. A 2.要求平均成绩5分.

学生 may receive one or both of the supplemental 奖s that must be bundled with 大学新生奖学金.

  • 象鼻虫遗产机构奖学金

A freshman student who has been 奖ed an institutional scholarship and has a legal guardian who graduated from bc365游戏 with a technical certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree is eligible for an additional $500 per semester scholarship. This 奖 will continue to be applied as long as the student retains a freshman Institutional 奖学金. 此奖项不予退还.

  • 住房奖学金

A freshman student who has been 奖ed an institutional scholarship is eligible to receive an additional $500 per semester 奖 to assist with paying for campus housing. If a student chooses not to live on campus or moves off of campus the 奖 will be 被没收的. This 奖 will continue to be applied as long as the student retains a 新生机构奖学金. 此奖项不予退还.

  • 州外学费免收 for residents of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, 田纳西和密苏里. An out-of-state waiver is available to students from other states, when a student receives an institutional, performance, or athletic scholarship in an amount equal to tuition for a minimum of 12 hours in the fall and spring terms.
  • 学生在注册课程时申请豁免.

  • 各种金额和资格标准.
  • 不保证续期.
  • 联络财政援助网址: